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Текст песни Follow The Sun
Life never stops
And the time will stop and wait for... No one!
But we wont know whos the last one
To cast shade on Sands of Time?

Sun fills life with its warm light
And your words will never stop... Sunlight
And its my choice every morning –
Start my life as something new

Playful wind will blow me in the face
– Hey, wake up, its time to shine! –
And the Sun will send me to the place
Where doubts and shame will not be mine...

What if theres no time tomorrow
To run my usual way?
Sun will give no way to sorrow
Warming up my hope and faith

Evening comes back, giving me a reason
To light up my eyes with smile – gently
For what is gone, with its hasty feelings,
Will dissolve in useless dust

Let the past die quietly away
Fill with reason each new day
Dont stir up the ashes of before –
Just forget and lock the door...

The Time is flying by us
Not all is as it seems
Maybe Im growing wiser
Time will never break my dream...

Дата: 28.07.11 15:51
Отправил: Fantom
Просмотров: 1666
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