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Текст песни Shatter My Dreams
Your mind is getting numb,
Your heart is torn to million fragments
And theres nowhere to run –
The dice are cast, its too late
Youll never forget that name
Even attempt wont be forgiven
You try to break away
But youll have to follow your fate.
If you love her so,
Burning with desire
You destroy her,
Yet in dreams revive that fire...
Make your choice again
Look inside and see your reasons
Happiness and pain
Will mist your eyes again with tears.
Night dreams bring real you,
The Moon will wash away your fears
But you reject her anew
With the morning light
What does she have to do
When the love is filled with sorrows?
And could she ever knew
The real pain of life?
Sunshine and moonlight,
Joy and bitter pain –
Just reflections in unseen, unreal mirrors.
When you love her so,
Shes in your blood and flesh
You will burn her,
Yet each night restore from ashes...
Truth or shameless lie
Under your feet – the glass of blue sky
If you befriend your pain,
Your dreams will live again
Love and Hatred both
Will live like twins in you forever
Happiness, tears and fright –
Like mist that obscures your sight...
Дата: 28.07.11 15:51
Отправил: Fantom
Просмотров: 1732
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