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Текст песни The Only
I'm--winning, You're losing.
I'm falling.
Your agony,
lower, than lower.
Before, your forgotten
Heaven, Your Hell.
I'm killing your fantasy.
More, and more.
You follow, your deepest
You're trying to take me,
They're trying to make me.
This is the only,
Give me the only thing.
Tired of trying,
I'm tired of lying.
The only thing I understand
is what I feel.
Identity, Fantasy, Heresy,
Killing me.
Lower, than lower.
Before, this thing to feed.
Hypocrite, Lunatic, Fanatic,
More, and more.
You follow, your deepest
You're trying to take me,
They're trying to make me.
This is the only,
Give me the only thing.
Tired of trying,
I'm tired of lying.
The only thing I understand
is what I feel.
Hypocrite, Lunatic, Fanatic,
Hypocrite, Lunatic, Fanatic,
Hypocrite, Lunatic, Fanatic,
Hypocrite, Lunatic, Fanatic,
You're trying to take me,
They're trying to make me.
This is the only,
Give me the only thing.
Tired of trying,
I'm tired of lying.
The only thing I understand
is what I feel.
You're trying to take me,
They're trying to make me.
This is the only,
Give me the only thing.
Tired of trying,
I'm tired of lying.
The only thing I understand
is what I feel

Дата: 23.10.11 18:42
Отправил: Satanic_Warmaster
Просмотров: 895
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